Apex of heart
Apex of heart

apex of heart

The robotic technology approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, provides an accuracy of sub-1 mm, against the maximum possible 5-10 mm in the case of humans.

apex of heart

The two doctors have performed procedures on patients suffering from serious cardiological conditions such as chronic total occlusion and myocardial infarction (AMI). At Apex Heart Institute, we look forward to pioneering this technology in India and propagate it around the world,” Dr Patel told a news agency. Robotics is an important component of the future of interventional cardiology. “After completing the initial cases with CorPath GRX, my colleague Dr Sanjay Shah and I are very impressed by the capabilities of the system to address regular and complex stenting procedures and the level of precision we are able to deliver. Since CorPath GRX’s commercial installation in the beginning of December 2017, Dr Patel and his colleague, Dr Sanjay Shah have performed over 50 coronary angioplasty surgeries using the AI-powered robotic arm. Produced by Corindus Vascular Robotics, the robotic arm costs $1.5 million and possess an in-built AI that enables cardiologists in making informed clinical decisions. The announcement was made by world renowned i nterventional cardiologist Dr Tejas Patel, who is also the chairman and chief interventional cardiologist at Apex Heart Institute, Ahmedabad. In a historical development that can create new avenues in the field of interventional cardiology in India, Apex Heart Institute, Ahmedabad became the first location outside the US to have a commercial installation of the advanced AI-powered vascular robotic system, CorPath GRX.

Apex of heart